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Various prayers said in a rosary

Jesus' prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner.

Three Christ, Christ of God, is the one who lives.

Domine Iesu Christe, Fili Dei, miserere mei, peccatoris.

It can also have a shorter form:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me.

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me, a sinner.

God have mercy.

Also longer, such as in the Balkan countries is used:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son and Word of God, for the sake of the Mother of God, have mercy on me a sinner.

The rosary and ladder prayer rule can also be performed through a prayer to the Most Holy Mother of God, instead of Jesus' prayer it is pronounced:

My Lady, Most Holy Theotokos, save me a sinner.

Holy Mother of God, save me, your sinful servant.

Holy Our Lady, save us.

Holy Mother of God, save me a sinner.

Mother of God, Virgin, save me.

Holy Mother of God, save me a sinner.

Holy Mother of God, save us.

Peotia Beach, last night.

Sanctissima Deipara, salva nos.

As well as "Rejoice, Virgin Mary ..." or another prayer to the Most Holy Mother of God.

Other prayers above can be said on the large nipples.

Example of the Mother of God rule on a ladder:

The beginning and the end - "Hallelujah…", "Glory, and now ..."; at every small step - "Rejoice, Virgin Mary"; at every big step - "Our Father"; finally, “Lord have mercy, three times.

Glory, and now ... ».

In addition to the above examples, one can follow the prayer rules on the ladder for the Guardian Angel, John the Forerunner and other holy saints, for example - a saint whose name you bear, or a saint whom you respect very much, etc.

Angel of Christ, guardian of my saint, pray to God for me a sinner.

Holy Great John, Prophet and Forerunner, Baptist of the Lord, pray to God for me a sinner.

Saint John, prophet, and Forerunner, and Baptist of our Lord Jesus Christ, pray to God for us sinners.


Saint John, Baptist of the Lord, pray to God for me a sinner.

Holy name of the river , pray to God for me sinner.

You can also pray for the living and the dead:

Lord Jesus Christ, Son and Word of God, for the sake of the Mother of God, rest the souls of the dead slaves of your name, the river (the one we mention).

Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on the servant of your river name .

The following ancient statutes of the prayer rule show well the important role that the Tradition of the Holy Eastern Church assigns to the prayer of Jesus in the organization of the inner spiritual life of the Christian. In the same way, the ladder used in Russia bears the image of the sixth century of the Venerable John of the Ladder, described in the "Ladder of Paradise" - a guide to the "degrees" of spiritual growth of man to God in prayerful repentance.

When a Christian prays, then:


  1. Vespers - 600 prayers.

  2. Great Supper - 700 prayers, small - 400 prayers.

  3. Midnight 600 prayers.

  4. Morning 1500 prayers.

  5. Hours - 1000 prayers.

Bows (the first 12 and the last 17 - earthly, the rest - waist) (strict statute):


  1. Evening - 300 bows.

  2. Great Supper 300 bows, small - 200 bows.

  3. Midnight - 300 bows.

  4. Morning 700 bows.

  5. First hour - 150 bows.

  6. Hours - 500 bows.

Bows (middle statute):


  1. Evening - 200 bows.

  2. Dinner - 100 bows.

  3. Midnight - 200 bows.

  4. Morning 400 bows.

  5. First hour - 100 bows.

  6. Hours - 300 bows.

If someone, out of necessity and not out of laziness, is unable to do the above, let him do the service as follows:


  1. Evening - 100 bows.

  2. Dinner - 50 bows.

  3. Midnight - 100 bows.

  4. Morning 200 bows.

  5. First hour - 50 bows.

  6. Hours - 200 bows.

If a Christian prays in the Psalms:


  1. Vespers - 2 catechisms.

  2. Great Supper 2 catechisms, small - 1 catechism.

  3. Midnight - 2 catechisms.

  4. Matins - 5 catechisms.

  5. First hour - 1 catechism.

  6. Hours - 3 catechisms.

If the above cannot be done, then it is allowed:


  1. Evening - 1 catechism

  2. Dinner - 1 catechism.

  3. Midnight - 1 catechism.

  4. Matins - 3 or 2 catechisms

  5. First hour - 100 bows.

  6. Hours - 2 catechisms.

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